dimanche 5 février 2012

Hier je suis retourné à l'aéroport, mas il n'y avait pas grand monde. J'ai réussi à parler à un pilote sud-africain , qui m'a sorti la même chose: "ça a a changé ici, c'est 500 heures minimum. Tente quand même, tu verras".

J'essaie de discuter à un maximum, même avec les locaux, les chauffeurs de taxi, les managers du camping... Tous me disent de persister, que le coup des 500 heures minimum c'est pour décourager. Mais comme j'en ai parlé hier avec mon ami Charles, fidèle lecteur de ce blog, ça ne serait pas étonnant que la CAA locale ait subitement eu envie de changer les critères d'embauche. Ca s'est déjà produit dans le passé après tout, donc c'est une hypothèse envisageable.

Lundi, je vais essayer de voir pour monter sur vol d'une des compagnies; apparemment c'est gratuit pour un faire un tour si on est pilote. J'en profiterai pour parler avec le pilote. Ca sera également un bon moyen de se familiariser avec le pilotage dans la brousse africaine.

En attendant, cette après midi, je vais aller me faire un foot avec les locaux. Ca fait super longtemps que j'ai pas touché à un ballon rond, on verra ce que ça donne!


Not much to say. I went back again to the airport yesterday, but there was not many people down there. I still managed to talk to a pilot, and he told me the same thing, that is the companies here in Maun were now looking for experienced pilots.

I don't really know what to do now. I can either keep on sticking around at the airport and meet pilots, or get away to another country where the odds of finding a job are better. Wednesday, I'll go to Namibia to give my Cv's. Staying in Namibia for a long time doesnt seem to be the best way of finding something, so I think I'll come back to Maun after that. And then... I don't know. I'll likely stay there for a couple of more weeks and see. But if it turns out that there is really no chance to bypass the 500 hours requirement, I'll settle off and go to another country (Zambia, Tanzania, ...).

We'll see what happens. See U tomorrow.


4 commentaires:

easyPajlot a dit…

Ouuu Man,

It must be flustrating, but you must be strong , persistent and I think that than you will find the job. I have some questions about customs...When you are go through customs, you must declare that you are a turist. (not to say that you are job seeker yes ? ) Have they permission to search the luggage ? I say that YES...And what about If they find your headset, or not to bring headset to africa ? Or post my headset to africa before I leave my country ? How did you do it ? Thank you

AirFranceOne a dit…

Allez courage tu as du temps sur place, suis ton plan d'actions et ne lâche rien !

Greystone a dit…

Thank you guys.

To easypilot: When you go through the customs, they shouldn't check your luggages. I took the bus from Jo'burg to Gabs, and I just left my stuff in the bus. If they ask you what you're up to, just tell them you're a tourist. But they didn't ask me any question, it was very easy. For the headset and pilot stuff, just leave them in the bus/car.

easyPajlot a dit…

Thank you for reply... And where the give you vizas for 90days on airport in Joburg or on SA/BOTSWANA borders ? I ask for reason, because I expect to stay in Maun as much as I can - 90days (If they give me vizas for this period). And 90 days means that after this period I must be out of Botswana or out of Africa ? BEcause after 90days and If I will not be hired I want to try to find job in neighborhood coutries like Namibia etc...And its important for me to know it because I want to buy return airline ticket (its not so diferent in prize with one way ticket) and I dont know to what date book my return way. My fly in + 90 days must be date of fly out ...or Fly in + 90days + days (loking for job in Namibia, Tanzania,...) = date of fly out (return date) ... Thank you and hope that situation in Maun will change and you will be hired and I will meet you on Nov/Dec