mardi 21 février 2012


Nous sommes rentrés de Swakopmund un peu plus tôt finalement, l'ennuie a eu raison de nous. On a pourtant fait le tour
de la ville, mais là on savait plus quoi faire (à part des parties de billards et jouer de la guitare). Et puis
les campings étaient trop chers pour que l'on reste plus longtemps.

Nous avons donc pris le van, dimanche, qui relie Swakopmund à Windhoek, et avons finalement rejoint le "backpacker" où nous
étions il y a quelques jours.

Hier, je suis retourné àl'aéroport pour dire bonjour aux compagnies charters. J'ai rencontré un pilote angolais qui m'a
dit: "si tu vas en Angola pour chercher un boulot, tu es praitquement sûr de trouver un job car à part les militaires,
il n'y aucun pilote civil. Et il y a un gros manque de pilote!". J'en ai discuté avec mon pote américain, on a pesé
le pour et le contre, et finalement ce sera non. L'Angola, ça craint comme pays. Personne ne parle anglais. Il y a des mines
et des armes partout car il y a quelques années le pays était encore en guerre. Et enfin, les tourtistes ne sont pas acceptés,
il faut obtenir un visa business pour rentrer dans le pays, ce qui prend apparemement pas mal de temps. Dommage, atterrir un
Boeing 727 sur une piste en terre ne m'aurait pas déplu.

J'ai bien peur qu'avec le temps ce ne blog ne touche les limites de l'ennuie, à force de dire:
"aujourd'hui: aéroport, bar, guitare".

Je vous tiendrais au courant, mais peut être à une fréquence moins élevée, tous les 2 ou 3 jours plutôt.


We're back in Windhoek, at our favorite backpacker. We keep on going to Eros Airport, to say hi
to the pilots and chief pilots.

Swakopmund is a nice city, very quite though at now. This is the low season, so there's not much to do. We decided to come
back earlier, as only one charter took our cv (among the three).

I'll keep on posting on this blog, but from now on it's gonna be pretty much the same story everyday; aiport, bar and guitar.

See u later ;-)

2 commentaires:

marc83200 a dit…

Moi je me souviens d'un Thib en admiration devant cette vidéo pourtant ;)

C'est pas grave si tu ne dis que bar, guitare, aéroport....
Je t'ai envoyé un message sur aeronet pour la Tanzanie, une info qui m'est revenue.

Margaret a dit…

Hi Thibaut,
I can't believe it took me this long to come and visit your blog! I feel terrible...but that's partly because I'm still recovering from almost having a heart attack upon reading that you were considering going to Angola!!! Please remember how smart you are and put that idea right out of your mind for good!!

I'm glad that the music and ambiance are nice in Windhoek and I'm crossing my fingers that you will get one of those jobs you've applied for. One thing I'm sure of is that the friendships you are making and the memories of this adventure will last a long time.

I read your description of what happened in Maun. To me it really sounded like people there were angling for a bribe or something similar. They wanted to get to know you better (build some kind of an alliance) or for you to give them some kind of reason to hire you. In Africa there is a lot of negotiation. Think about how you bargain in the marketplace - the first offer is not what anyone expects the final deal to be. That "1000 hours" deal - I think you were meant to work with that. As in: I have 250 hours but what else can I offer you? Well...I don't know the answer...but that "stick around" business might have been the way to find out what's going on. (Corruption, quite possibly.) If it's not too late - when are you leaving? - the advice I would give is don't give up on Botswana and don't take "no" for an answer. Take it as a "convince me". ; )

And you know that you need to follow up on all those CV's you've left behind, right? Each person should get a polite phone call or email from you thanking them (by name) for agreeing to read your CV, offering any small compliments you can think of and asking if they have any questions. It will help them remember you.

I hope that you aren't feeling too disappointed to enjoy all the good things about this trip. Because I'm still jealous!